Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Josh

Today is Josh's birthday!! 28 years old. We had a great dinner last night with everyone. Avery and Tyson enjoyed the visit and afterward, I asked Tyson who he went and ate with and his response (not surprising) was Poppy and Bud and when I asked what he ate, his answer was "butter." Butter and Poppy and Bud!! Yeah for the rest of us who were there but not noticed! It's a good thing he is so sweet, because feelings could get hurt!

We went the other day and let Josh pick out his gift, so we had not planned on letting him open anything today, but Avery saw different!! Yesterday, we had to go into Wal-Mart and she wanted to know what we were getting for daddy to open on his birthday, so I explained that he already had his gift, so he wouldn't have anything. She went on and on, so the pictures of us that I had printed, I bought frames and put them in a bag for dad to open this morning! He was so excited to get a picture of himself!! She loved it! She came running in with the present EARLY this morning. SO sweet!

Poor Josh is sitting at the DMV this morning waiting to renew his license. Good luck with that! We wish you a speedy time.