I had a job interview today on a short notice, so Tyson stayed with our neighbor, Mrs. Shannon! He was SO excited. She has 3 kids-two girls that were at school and a little boy that's 8 months.
As you can see, he is dressing himself these days. We actually went to the grocery store like this today. It's 90 degrees, he has shorts, rubber boots, basketball shorts, a t-shirt, and a
toboggan (spelling)! We got lots of looks and ooohhh's and aaawwww's.
The interview went really well!! I think it's a great school and they have a job opening from January to May only in first grade. I would be full time with teacher pay and benefits until the end of May when the teacher comes back, and it would at least help me get my foot in the door for next year. What was I thinking saying that I was not going to work??? Maybe it will work out for us. Keep your fingers crossed!
You are going to have to catch up.