Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dress Up!!!!

So, we had a very large limb come through our fence the other day!!! Josh ask the kids if they wanted to help him fix it and told them to get dressed~~~~this is how they came out!!! WOW~wonder what everyone thought as they drove by and the farmer and the rockstar were holding hammers!!
This was another dress up day! Avery decided that she was a unicorn-thus the VERY large triangle taped to her headband!! The wings were so very carefully decorated and TAPED to her good school belt to hold them on. She can really come up with some stuff!!
Tyson wanted to be a chicken, so this is what Avery came up with for him-mind you they did this ALL on their own with no help from me. Tyson loved his chicken costume until Avery put hers on and he saw that her triangle was bigger than his~NOT a happy little boy about it!! He no longer owns the chicken costume. Notice the black vest with the phone in his pocket. This is his phone to call Pop and Bud on~~~~no one else gets a call from this phone! Not sure why, but everytime you ask who he is talking to, it's Pop or Bud.
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Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

As you can see~the kids dressed themselves to make dad's cake! They were SO excited!!

They also made him special b-day cards. We couldn't drive because of just having Molly, so we had to do with what we had at home!

As I said~we couldn't drive, so we made him a golf course cake!! I think he loved it WAY more than if we had bought one from somewhere else. We had so much fun, and it was big enough to share with the entire neighborhood. I think everyone shared cake with us!

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Avery's Thanksgiving play

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Soccer is OVER!!

You can only imagine how cold we were Monday night~it was in the 40's with the wind raging!! Avery had on 2 jackets, tights, gloves, and ear warmers! She looked like the marshmallow man under her soccer shirt. Her jacket is a very thick one and with the shirt on top of it she looked so funny. Everyone was laughing~she loved it.

After the last game, the team went to Ci Ci's pizza and got their trophy!! Avery loved it, and the pizza was not so bad!!
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These are Tyson's new favorite thing to wear! We were in Chili's with them on in this picture. It is the cutest thing with his rubber boots!!

Josh gets Tyson up and ready after Avery and I leave in the mornings and I think by looking at the picture, his daddy spoils him a little!! Breakfast in bed! So sweet!
We took the kids to ULM to see a game. They had a blast. We sat SO high, I was a nervous wreck! There were no railings, just high!

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